Tanks, Tanks, Tanks


By Vincent J. Curtis

The Normandy campaign concluded at the end of August, 1944, after the Germans were almost entirely cleared from France and the 1st Canadian Army was advancing into Belgium. Many “lessons learned” have been written about the campaign, but what can be said about it from the perspective of 75 years on?

In a “what-if” scenarios, let’s ask, “what if the Canadian Army had been equipped with the Mk I Centurion tank?” This thought experiment isn’t all that far-fetched, as the Centurion was fielded in May, 1945. It was on the design boards in early 1943. What would have happened if the Canadian Army had been equipped with Centurions and its 20 pdr gun, in Normandy?

It is likely that the 2nd Canadian Corps would have torn through the German army like a chainsaw through softwood. One of the main reasons the Germans were able to hold their own for so long in Normandy was their superiority in tanks, in particular the Panther and the Tiger. These tanks could, and usually did, defeat large numbers of Shermans from long range. The 75 mm gun on the Sherman couldn’t penetrate the frontal armour of a Tiger even from point-blank range, while the long-barreled German 75 mm and 88 mm guns could brew up a Sherman from over a mile away.

Canadian armour was getting beaten in detail by these superior German weapons – in those little battles that occur within the larger one. The Canadians did not have quickly to hand the means of defeating Panthers and Tigers. What was in their hands was the British 17 pdr gun, which could defeat Panthers and Tigers from long range. The 6 pdr anti-tank gun with which infantry battalions were equipped was useless except for close range side-shots. The PIAT anti-tank projector had an effective warhead – if you could crawl within a hundred yards of the target and hit the thing.

The only tank that could tackle a Tiger or a Panther was a Sherman Firefly, a Sherman which mounted that 17 pdr gun.

Tac Air, in the shape of formations of Typhoons, were effective against Tigers and Panthers, but the ground troops were not equipped with ground to air radio sets, making close cooperation impossible.

The Canadians in Normandy were losing four and five Shermans for every Panther and Triger killed. If that ratio were dead even, or two to one in our favor, the Germans could not have held up the Canadian advance for nearly as long as they did.

What lesson can be drawn from this ‘what-if’ scenario? The immediate lesson is that Canadian combat troops have to have in their hands the best, most modern equipment to deal with the enemy. Not just the best that we can think of, but equal if not better than what the enemy has. Everybody knew about Tigers since March, 1943. So, why weren’t our generals and our engineers trying to figure out ways of dealing with these new battlefield tactical problems?

Was Clarence Decatur Howe working day and night? No. Did engineer MacNaughton look at the bazooka and see a 106 mm recoilless rifle? No. Was Crerar hounding Howe for a new weapon? No. Why weren’t Crerar and Simonds developing TTPs (tactics, techniques, procedures) for ground troops to defeat these menaces? Being generals, they ought to know something about ground combat. They ought to know before their battalion commanders the tactical problems their platoons are going to face.

As recently as 2006, it was seriously proposed by our generals that we didn’t need tanks anymore and that the new doctrine of ‘maneuver warfare’ would overcome any tactical problem. No replacement for the Leopard I’s were in prospect during the Chretien years, and rather than embarrass the government, our generals put out the superior doctrine story – even though Genforce employed tanks and maneuver warfare doctrine already!

The need to put into Canadian hands equipment that is not just the best, but better than what the enemy has is one lesson from the Normandy campaign. There are others like TTPs.

How To Prevent PTSD In War Zones, No Really

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By Terry Nimchuk

I sit with Veterans everyday. They tell me their war stories and we work through their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). From Improvised Explosive Devices to recon, to capture; everything possible on “regular” days in combat situations. Most of them don’t get to my office until many years after the events took place that landed them with me. The time in between is spent spiraling through emotions, thoughts and memories that are terrifying, disruptive and sometimes life ending. 

PTSD symptoms are what happens naturally to everyone who survives a traumatic experience. The disorder begins when the person gets stuck in that natural recovery process and some aspect of the event won’t let them move forward. That’s where I come in, sometimes years later, after they have been living in the torment for so long, and after the traumatic event has caused so much more collateral damage then could have ever been predicted.  

Its not just nightmares, and sleeplessness that goes on for years; its guilt and shame; and relentless flashes of memories; and having seemingly innocuous stimuli trigger your memory and send you right back in an instant, to the point where you fully believe you are back in that war zone fighting for your life. You are detached and unable to realize that you are home with your family, safe, thousands of miles away from the hell you went through years before. 

Truth is, I can’t start to treat PTSD right away. First, we need to deal with everything PTSD has caused to go awry in a Veteran’s life. Relationships suffer, spouses, children, parents, siblings, and friends, everyone in a Serviceman/woman’s life is affected by their PTSD. The fallout from relationships alone can sometimes take longer to address than the PTSD itself. One aspect makes the other worse; it becomes a tangled web of despair. 

Isn’t there a way to stop this before it starts? A physical injury gets tended in-theatre; why not a mental one?

Can we deploy a mental health personnel with every medic team? Would this impact the high occurence of PTSD cases seen at Veterans affairs? 

Without a doubt. 

If a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member could have immediate access to a mental health professional; trained in trauma and crisis debriefing, and get help for their mental wounds just as they would for any physical wounds, this would greatly decrease the occurrence of PTSD. 

The CAF takes amazing physical care of its members while they are in. There are numerous specialists and doctors to take care of the physical damage of war. Medics are everywhere, doctors, trauma surgeons, you name the physical injury and it is taken care of, to a level that we civilians could never appreciate.  

The mental health care is there too, however, it is widely viewed as a career ender. If you tell the base doctor that you are suffering from a mental condition such as depression, or PTSD, it is viewed very differently. Current serving members will hide a mental condition out of the fear of what it will do to their career, but what if it never got that far? Why do service personnel have to report to the doctor, but not to mental health personnel to get checked out after any incident? 

Right now, to my knowledge, the closest thing soldiers have in combat zones is a Padre, and even those can be few and far between. While many find comfort in a Padre’s services, they are not trained extensively in mental health. They can’t offer these men and women what they need to mitigate the potential onset of PTSD. I was told by a medic that service personnel would seek her out specifically, just because she is a woman and women are viewed to be more compassionate in these situations. Couldn’t we have a well-trained mental health professional there? 

I love my work, I honestly do, it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life, and I am grateful everyday that these men and women trust me to help them through this immeasurably difficult time of their lives. My sincerest hope is that one day I, and those like me, will no longer be needed.

Veterans Affairs Canada: Streamlining or Bureaucratic Obstruction?

By Michael Blais

Back in 2011, Minister Steven Blaney would be the first to introduce me to the wondrous farce of streamlining services for veterans. Minister Julian Fantino subsequently took the concept to a new level, by parachuting in former CDS Walter Natynczyk as Deputy Minister to implement a conservative slash and burn agenda with military precision. Minister Erin O’Toole fully embraced the concept, and he supervised the dismantling of VAC through reduction of hundreds of front line employees and by closing district offices at the conclusion of the combat mission in Afghanistan when many veterans of the war were coming forward for assistance.  

Veterans were not amused.

Liberal ministers Kent Hehr, Seamus O’Regan, Judy Wilson Raybould and Lawrence MacAuley continued the “streamlining” charade albeit from a liberal perspective. When held to account or challenged on departmental  failures, DM Natynzcyk was  faithfully at hand, blunting warranted criticism, undertaking the “we must do better” pantomime with varying degrees of sincerity year after year despite his ‘Command’s’ pervasive failures to fulfill the promises which politicians offer to veterans seemingly every election in exchange for our votes.

Veterans were not impressed.

This election is no different. Both the NDP and Conservative party leaders have declared they will clear the backlog if elected. Neither say how or why their efforts would be any different than those which the current government has undertaken. Factually, the Liberals did re-open the district offices as promised. Factually, hundreds of vital staffing positions cruelly negated by the Conservatives have been fulfilled and in theory, as more are employed and trained, the backlog problems should dissipate. The Liberals promised the case managers:client ratio would be reduced from the Conservatives’ untenable 40-1 down to 25-1. Three years later, there has been some progress and VAC claims to have attained a 33-1 ratio.

This is indeed better, but it is far from perfect. Thousands of veterans continue to wait beyond Mr. Trudeau’s promised 16 week threshold. Delays in adjudication on all levels persist, ranging from acknowledgement of mental and physical trauma to the subsequent approval of treatment options for medications. Exclusion and denial.  

Q. Why is this?

A. Bureaucratic obstruction.

The National Post recently reported that VAC case managers spend 50% to 70% of their time processing paperwork. Case managers claim they are obstructed in providing expedient service due to “complicated or unnecessary business procedures” and layers of burdensome, unnecessary documentation. Veterans Affairs is not an insurance company. The obstructive, resource wasting, unnecessary documentation the DM and senior mandarins have implemented is adversely affecting the department’s ability to conform to the government’s promises. Let’s consider VAC employees to be the proverbial canary-in-the-coal-mine, as they sounded the alarm in respect to the catastrophic impact Conservative cuts would have on the veterans community. They are now once again sounding the alarm.

Q. Who suffers the consequences?


Who can blame veterans who become profoundly disappointed when seeking “promised” election entitlements, only to confront a system seemingly designed not to streamline, nor to accelerate due process in conformance of the Liberal mandate, but rather it is designed to complicate the process with layers of unnecessary documentation, multiple physicians reports and abysmal delays, far beyond the promised adjudication time frames.

Who is to blame?: Inept ministers or the adversities inherent within the cycle of ministerial replacement? The Liberals appointed four ministers during their last mandate none of whom proved capable of effecting the promised changes on backlogs, adjudication times or expedient service.

There has been one common and continuous leadership element at Veterans Affairs throughout these ministerial rotations:Deputy Minister Walter Natynczyk.  

I admire the general’s record of military service, but after years of performance-objective failures, I personally no longer feel he is capable of demonstrating the leadership required to bring the department up to the standards promised. Bureaucratic progress on key issues has been glacial, and often obstructed by mandarins dictating policies corrupted by the “insurance company” mentality approach, which includes forcing veterans to cope with stringent processing documentation requirements designed to frustrate, obstruct, delay and deny.

Consequently, it is no surprise the trust between veterans and VAC’s bureaucratic leadership has been broken.

Without significant changes at VAC’s leadership, the status quo will remain.

Q. Who suffers the consequences?

A. Tragically, the disabled veterans and their families.

Closing the Gap


By Vincent J. Curtis

Operation Tractable kinda-sorta ended on Aug 16th, 1944, with the capture of Falaise by 2nd Div. But the gap wasn’t closed.

On the 16th, the 4th Div and the 1st Polish Armoured Division were ordered to take Trun and link up with the American 3rd Army at Chambois. The 1st Polish outflanked the German defenses and, dividing itself into three battle groups, sent one to Chambois, one to Hill 262 (Mont Ormel), and another to the south of Trun, easing the its capture on the 18th by 4th Div.

The gap, about four miles wide and through which the German 7th Army had to pass, was spanned by the Dives River. The Dives formed an impassable barrier to vehicular traffic except at two points, Moissy and St. Lambert-sur-Dives. The hamlet of Moissy had a ford, led to by a single lane dirt track; next to it was a narrow foot bridge.

St. Lambert, a village of 150 souls, had a two-lane bridge that was strong enough to support a Panther tank. The gap area was flat, wide-open, and easily observed from the heights around Trun, ideal killing ground for artillery and Typhoons.

Capturing Trun, the 4th Div was nearly spent, but did send a battle group forward to seize St. Lambert. The battle group comprised B and C Coys of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, about fifty men each, and C Squadron of the South Alberta Regiment, the armoured recce unit of 4th Div. In overall command was Major David Currie of the SAR. The task of Currie Force was to stop the passage of 100,000 Germans.

Backstopping the Dives position, three miles to the east were two Polish battlegroups on Hill 262. They had with them Capt Pierre Sevigny an artillery FOO for the 58th Bty, 4th Medium Regiment.
After crossing the Dives, escaping Germans had to pass around Hill 262, and the Poles scourged them with tank and small arms fire as well as Sevigny’s artillery fire. Over the 36 hours from the 20th to 21st August, Capt Sevigny was to win Poland’s highest military decoration, the Virtuti Militari. His work inflicted thousands of casualties on the Germans and enabled the Poles to hold out against German attacks trying to re-open the gap. Four depleted SS Panzer divisions east of the Dives repeatedly attacked the Poles, who fought them until they ran out of ammunition – and then fought them hand-to-hand. 

Currie Force approached St. Lambert at dusk on the 19th - and was repulsed with the loss of two of its fifteen Shermans. Pulling back 1,000 yards, Currie used the night to personally recce the defenses. Attacking again at dawn, Currie Force gained half the village by noon, forming another gauntlet escaping Germans had to pass. Currie Force repulsed repeated counterattacks, and near dusk surged ahead to capture the rest of the village.

As the battle progressed, columns of death began to sprout from the choke points. The corpses of men, horses (Wehrmacht transport was still largely horse-drawn) wrecked vehicles, artillery pieces, trucks and tanks were piling up along the roads, choking passage even more.

Discipline in the Wehrmacht began to crack. Prisoners were being taken first by the dozen, then fifty and then a hundred at a time. Pte E.H. McAllister of the Argylls was credited with capturing 160 men. The famous picture of David Currie winning his VC shows a German officer surrendering to Argyll George Mitchell, CSM of C Coy, with Pte John Evans off to the right. (A moment after the picture was taken, Mitchell buttstroked the Officer for looking arrogant.)

Before noon on the 21st, 4th Div pushed ahead from Trun, with the Canadian Grenadier Guards relieving the Poles. Over 50,000 were trapped, and the German 7th Army surrendered, Paris was liberated three days later.

For several feats of personal military prowess, his skillful and determined attacks and defense, and for demonstrating an epic coolness under fire for 36 hours, Major David Vivian Currie was awarded the Victoria Cross.

Spoil That Ballot!


By Michael Nickerson

Elections are tiresome things, aren’t they? Weeks of promises, platitudes and no end of photo ops, lovingly reported by the media coast to coast. It’s a sad state of affairs that much of the country has become jaded to our electoral process, holding their noses and casting a ballot, hoping the new pig at the helm will smell a bit better than the last. Out with the old leader, in with the new, and let the whole depressing process go round again. 

A rather dismal take on things don’t cha think? Yet I’m willing to bet if you’re either a veteran or active service member then that gets pretty close to the mark, for very good reasons. Time and again Canada’s military and its veterans have been used by every major party like a piece of arm candy to garner votes and praise, always to be left in the gutter once the cameras stop clicking.  

So what to do? Well to paraphrase a quote famously attributed to Albert Einstein, it’s insane to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. So if you’re thinking of voting for any of the five major federal parties (and no, Maxime Bernier, that doesn’t include yours) on the basis that they’re actually looking out for you, well stop that right now, because that’s just insane (see above).

Unfortunately the options get pretty slim after that. In theory one possibility for that vote of yours is the Veterans Coalition Party of Canada, which you’d think is perfect for anyone who has ever worn a uniform. And God love ‘em, their heart is in the right place. Problem is, it’s not just a one issue protest party whose vote tally would really send a message, but one that has developed a platform full of funding and policy contradictions far beyond its original purpose. Sadly a vote for the VCP is not so much one of protest, but stupidity.

As any voter will (or should) know (and new ones pay attention here), a federal election ballot does not provide a check box for “none of the above,” “you must be kidding,” “I’d rather choke on a hockey puck before voting for this lot” or similar such options. The only way to lodge a protest vote at all is to spoil it, via writing your name, checking all the boxes, or just leaving it blank. Such ballots are “rejected” and tallied, though no reason given as to why.

Thus spoiling a ballot is only slightly better than sitting at home and shooting your television on election night. Unless of course you let people know that you did it and why. Then we have a whole different ball game that would make Einstein proud!

Now before we start having fun, I should make it clear that it is illegal to take a picture of any ballot, spoiled or otherwise, and it’s also a definite legal no no to publish such a picture. So don’t do that (my lawyer has spoken).

It is not illegal however to announce to the world in any way, shape or form how you voted and why once you leave a polling station. You can say it on Facebook, Twitter, and all sorts of social media options I’m too old to even know about. And you can write letters to the editor of your local paper, even a national paper, and say why you’ve had enough of the status quo. Active service members under a do-not-talk-to-media dictum can write in as anonymous. The key is to finally give voice to that vote, and substance to the “rejected” tally. 

If newspapers, television outlets and social media get inundated with stories of protest votes, the concerns of military members and veterans alike might finally be noticed. Yet it’s going to take a real change in voting behaviour that I suspect does not come easily to those who work and have worked for that very freedom. But spoiling that ballot may be the only way to get some much deserved attention.

Veterans and Medical Cannabis


By Michael L Blais CD

President & Founder Canadian Veterans Advocacy

The issue of Medical Cannabis (MC) is ever evolving, or devolving as in the case of Veterans Affairs Canada under the Liberal government. 

Background: Consequential to an alarming Auditor General’s MC expenditure probe, the Liberals launched a three pronged review inclusive of providers, doctors and yes, veterans. Concerned about privacy breaches, the department requested the need for me to identify ten veterans prescribed MC who were willing to travel to Ottawa (at VAC’s expense) and meet Minister Kent Hehr to discuss the impact MC was having on their lives.

I endeavoured to ensure comprehensive participation; young, old, war veterans, UN peacekeepers, male, female, NCO, officer, representative of both mental and physical trauma. I hoped through inclusion we would collectively convince Minister Hehr of MC as an effective treatment option for harshly traumatized veterans and to assure him that the policy conforms to Veterans Affairs Canada’s mandate “to improve the quality of lives of our veterans.”

The discussions conducted at Center Block, Parliament Hill, were enlightening. Minister Hehr appeared engaged, compassionate and empathetic. However, the bureaucrats followed and it soon became clear they were more interested in mitigating MC expenditures, which were identified in the Auditor General report, and not alleviating the mental and/or physical trauma of veterans.

The new policies to follow were oblivious to our discussions, bereft of compassion or empathy, and mainly designed to curtail costs. The General Practitioner’s prescription, if over the three grams of dried cannabis flower (per day) limit, would not be fully honoured. 

Opiates? No problem, but for additional cannabis referrals, and for those sustaining mental and physical trauma, referrals in both fields would be required. The time consuming, stress/pain-inducing cycle would repeat every two years. Oft times, extensive travel would be required. 

Despite forcing a disabled veteran through a series of unnecessary, resource wasting “hoops”, VAC retains the right to deny/restrict, systematic exclusion without representation, contrary to the Veterans Bill of Rights which supposedly ensures he/she and third-party doctors are involved in any decisions.

Veterans seeking MC are often deemed the “Forlorn Hopes”. There are no alternatives; the best “hope” scenario is a miracle. In the interim, quality of life is dictated by mitigating pain, preferably without those addictive, soul-destroying pharmaceuticals. For many, before the availability of MC, the daily regimen included maximum doses of powerful, mind distorting opiates and/or antipsychotic medication, Codeine, Percocet, Oxycontin, Morphine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (which can induce gastrointestinal bleeding), Lyrica for neuropathic pain, sleeping pills, and other drugs that may negate pain but often destroy the self and the family unit in the process.

Some 10,000 veterans are being prescribed medical cannabis. Around 1,700 have been granted an exemption over the three-gram per day limit. One can only wonder of the 10,000 people, how many were prescribed over the three grams per day, have been arbitrarily denied and consequentially, provided opiates or persona distorting “mind” drugs to mitigate pain. 

I have been pain/mobility disabled for almost three decades. While never abused, opiates rendered me emotionless, depressed, obese, incapable of feeling true empathy or love and free falling through the cycle of despair. Medical cannabis helped me reduce the daily regimen of maximum doses of opiates, disrupted the addiction cycle, afforded reintegration without being perpetually narco-distorted, to embrace a life now cherished. This generation, bloodied of mind and body by war in Afghanistan, is professing relief not through pharmaceuticals, but medical cannabis.

Veterans can provide the scientific proof we need to curb the problem of over-prescribing pharmaceuticals. Where else in Canada is there a cadre with such a wide spectrum of the vicious mental and physical trauma inherent with war? Where else is there a controlled study group provided addictive pharmaceuticals first, then, horrified by the side effects, are now experiencing definitive, real time relief from MC?

Should we not be learning why cannabis is alleviating war induced mental and physical trauma instead of enabling the opiate crisis? 

Why are we marginalizing or ignoring the very specialists VAC dictated, those physicians who, unlike VAC, have personally interviewed/examined the veteran before rendering judgment?

VAC’s current MC policy is corrupt on multiple levels, focused on cutting expenses, not providing care to veterans with the level of compassion required.

Finally Feeling the Heat


By Michael Nickerson

Have you heard the one about the frog in hot water? Throw the poor creature into a pot of boiling water and it leaps out, but put it in a cool pot and gradually warm up the water et voilà! Boiled frog! One has to wonder just who the sadist was that came up with this disturbing little factoid, but it’s a story often repeated when it comes to global warming and climate change. In short we’re a bunch of amphibians blissfully boiling ourselves to death, oblivious to the problem around us. 

Not having tried this experiment myself for fear of being evil I can’t speak to its veracity, but there are signs that the good species Homo Sapiens is clueing in that things are getting downright toasty. Not because of any statistical information or scientific reporting. Such talk has generally been met with either indifference or conspiracy theories to the effect that leftist eggheads are out for our Hummers. No, having to flee a forest fire or swim out of your flooded living room on an annual basis seems to be getting people’s attention. Washed out crops, severe drought, rising tides, and blistering summers seem to have people thinking this isn’t all down to a short-term bout of energetic solar flares or the Chinese government. 

But don’t look so glum. This is great news! Well not if you’re a polar bear or snowmobile manufacturer granted, but definitely if you’re a member of the military looking for proper-sized budgets and respect. See the problem has always been that the threat has never been in our own backyard. Starving Africans, warring Arabs, belligerent Russians, tsunamis, earthquakes? Not in our backyard. But gosh darn there’s some stuff going on in our backyards now; very wet stuff, soggy stuff, or crackling hot stuff, depending on the region.

As CDS Jonathan Vance recently pointed out in a CBC interview, the forces are stretched beyond thin rescuing, sandbagging, and generally supporting towns and provinces with one climate disaster after another. And this will only get worse in the coming years. Heck, it’ll get worse by the end of this summer if trends continue. And the forces are tapped.

Of course this is not a new state of affairs. Our forces have been tapped out one way or another for decades, with each election cycle bringing new promises of funding, support, and commitment to the troops that Canadians generally take for granted. Our soldiers are more symbols than people: peacekeepers wearing blue berets, war heroes fighting for justice in oppressed lands. In essence people doing things Canadians know not what, helping people they’ll never meet somewhere else for reasons more academic than visceral.

Is it any wonder that there was no serious outcry over one report after another of underfunding, lack of equipment and personnel, or of soldiers and veterans falling through the cracks? Didn’t really affect us, now did it?

Well, by God, it does now! It’s one thing to lament the state of our military and its members when it doesn’t really impact you, and quite another when those members are saving your hide, your family and friends, your property, and your means of putting food on the table. That’s when you feel some obligation to keep those people happy. Tipping the minimum just won’t cut it when you’re drowning.

Now you might find it perplexing that with the issue of climate change being so de rigour in the run up to this fall’s election, there hasn’t been some serious talk and financial commitments towards those dealing with the real, immediate fallout of the problem. But not to worry, because it’s going to be a long hot summer and another soggy spring is not far away. Canadians are finally feeling the heat. And they’re most certainly feeling it in their personal lives. I’m betting the frog finally jumps and people start showing some real gratitude to the forces protecting them as well. Shame it took the earth burning up to finally achieve it.



By Vincent J Curtis

Operation Windsor saw the capture of Carpiquet village. Next came Operation Charnwood (8-9 July 1944) which saw the capture of Carpiquet airfield and the town of Caen north of the Orne.  Then followed Operation Atlantic, which was run in conjunction with the notorious Operation Goodwood (18-19 July, 1944).  Atlantic saw the Canadians capture Caen south of the Orne and create the bridgehead necessary for an assault on the Verrières Ridge.

The battle for Verrières Ridge was a bloody nightmare for the Canadians, with a lack of coordination and a repetition of bad methods leading to over 2,500 casualties. Operation Spring (25-27 July, 1944), which gained a toe-hold on a part of the ridge, was an especially notorious fiasco.

The American breakout in Operation Cobra suddenly made it possible to entrap the entire German army in France in a pocket southwest of Falaise, with the Canadians forming a pincer from the north.  Operation Totalize (7-11 August 1944) was Canadian II Corps commander Lieutenant General Guy Simonds’ plan to advance from Verrières Ridge to Falaise.

Montgomery considered Guy Simonds to be highly capable, and perhaps Canada’s best general. That opinion saved Simonds’ career and Simonds returned the admiration by making himself physically resemble Monty. Among his other failings, Simonds was a martinet who despised most of his subordinates, and not a few of his superiors, as barely competent.  

This attitude impaired his effectiveness as a general. His leadership style stifled innovation and initiative other than his own. For all his self-regard, Simonds still needed the enterprise of subordinates to exploit
the opportunities his operations created.

The Germans developed blitzkrieg following their experience facing the Canadian Corps after Amiens. The Canadians had dominated No Man’s Land with patrolling and trench raids, and German infiltration (Hutier) tactics are no different in fieldcraft from reconnaissance patrolling. But the Canadians, interwar, never experimented with infiltration tactics, or trained as battlegroups. By early August, 1944, it was obvious that Sherman tanks needed infantry help dealing with German anti-tank nests.

For Totalize, Simonds invented the Kangaroo armoured personnel carrier, which was made by “defrocking” a Priest self-propelled gun of its weapon, leaving room in the Sherman chassis for a section of men. There was the help.

Totalize was a familiar set-piece battle but using bigger hammers, closer timing between blows, and other techniques of ancient renown. Tactically, Totalize was a case of hi-diddle-diddle- straight up the middle, the middle being the Caen-Falaise road. Heavy strategic bombers would carpet bomb both sides of the highway south of the start-line. Upon completion of the air mission, artillery would open up and the first wave of tanks and APCs would drive south in a night attack, bypassing pockets of resistance along the way. Tracers from Bofors 40 mm guns and target marking artillery shells were guides to direction.

Great innovations from Simonds, but then gremlins crept in to undermine the plan. There was no radio comms with air. Some bombs dropped on 3rd Canadian Division HQ and wounded Major General Rod Keller. Bombing the route of advance created a tank obstacle course which was run en mass at night by inexperienced APC drivers. Simonds ordered a halt at noon on the 8th to bring up the artillery after the first objectives were taken.  The Germans regrouped and a second dose of heavy bombing failed to destroy counterattacking panzer groups. Totalize stalled.

Trying to restore momentum, Simonds ordered Worthington Force to capture Hill 195. The result was the most infamous event of Totalize.  An inexcusable navigation error had Worthington Force, a battlegroup of the British Columbia Regiment and the Algonquins, seize Hill 140, seven kilometers from the assigned objective. Unsupported by Canadian artillery or Typhoons, it was annihilated by a counterattack of German Panther tanks.

Totalize culminated with the capture of Hill 195 on the 11th by a lone infantry regiment that infiltrated at night into the position.

Equality in Recognition of National Sacrifice


Volume 26 Issue 8

By Michael Blais

The Federal election is looming and once again veterans will consider voting for the party that best serves their needs. The past four years have been bittersweet and while there have been significant improvements on many files of contention, the proverbial elephant in the room, the Pension for Life, remains a major point of controversy.

Many NVC veterans continue to feel disenfranchised, betrayed, perhaps victims of a grotesque bait and switch game Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party were waging during the past election in exchange for our votes.

I can recall travelling to Belleville, ON, to witness Trudeau’s presentation of the Liberal Party veterans’ platform. Objectively, I was pleased. The Canadian Veterans Advocacy was primarily founded on the principle of restoring Canada’s sacred obligation to acknowledge and respect national sacrifice equally, without discrimination or reservation to the Pension Act Standards that I,
and a majority of VACs clients receive.

Never Pass a Fault, eh?

There must be equality in recognition of national sacrifice.

It was to these standards alone which we spoke to our current Prime Minister. Our first encounter was rather tense, to the point where the Liberal Veterans Affairs critic at the time felt compelled to leap to his feet and inform me that I could not speak to the “leader” in such a manner. Do tell! Prime Minister Trudeau, to his credit, never broke eye contact, raised his hand, tersely told Jim Karygiannis to sit down, and then asked me to continue. 

To summarize, Mr. Trudeau, if want to be the Prime Minister of Canada, you damn well better know what national sacrifice is, and your role as a the guardian of the torch, to restore the sacred obligation before you are called to send Canada’s sons and daughters into harm’s way. The message appeared to resonate and after years of confronting Conservative and NDP resistance, there was progress toward advancing the equality cause. 

Subsequently, Mr. Trudeau extended an invitation to meet on Parliament Hill after the Remembrance Day national ceremony to discuss the Pension for Life. It was a very special day, with an infinitely more amicable meeting, wherein the NVC LSA vs. Pension Act “faults” were clearly defined, and a singular resolution was championed: to “re-establish” equality
to the Pension Act standards!

Accordingly, when Mr. Trudeau declared the Liberal Party would “re-establish” the Pension for Life, I was in fact pleased. There was but only one lifetime pension to “re-establish” and I can assure CVA supporters, this was the only solution we spoke of. The choice in wording was not random, the promise was definitive and at the time it appeared sincere enough to convince many veterans, including myself, to cast votes for the Liberal Party in the 2015 Canadian federal election.

Was it a grotesque deception?

Today, or in the very near future, as the “Pension for Life” notification letters arrive, veterans will be profoundly disappointed, just as I am.

What the Liberal Party has provided is certainly not what Trudeau promised to veterans in exchange for their votes - is it? Thirty-cents on the dollar when compared to Pension Act provisions?

Is it better than nothing? Is it enough to retain veterans’ votes? Certainly the Liberal’s Pension for Life is an improvement over any Conservative or NDP initiative in the past. Which begs the question: what is Andrew Scheer or Jagmeet Singh’s position on the Pension for Life? Will they seize the opportunity Trudeau has presented? Will the Conservative Party or the NDP step up and pledge to restore the sacred obligation equally, and without reservation? In doing so, will they recoup veterans’ votes lost during the Harper or Mulcair era?

Or will veterans be dismissed as irrelevant, subject to the same litany of lip service every Remembrance Day or battlefield commemoration and promptly be forgotten the next morning?

Let's Talk About Women In The Military

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By Military Women

You asked: I hear a lot about “The Elsie Initiative” in the news. What’s it all about? What problem is it solving? 

We answer: The Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations is a Canadian funded international project to increase the meaningful participation of women in uniform on UN peace operations. Peace operations themselves being a topic of ongoing debate on how to best define, especially given the increasingly complex levels of today’s world conflicts. If you aren’t already familiar with this gem in Canada’s foreign policy learn more about it at http://bit.ly/ElsieWPS.

Last month’s column highlighted the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, and why the UN is so interested to increase the number of women on its missions. However, despite all the focus on the topic, the statistics have remained fairly stagnant at around 2-4 % of military and 6-10% of police personnel on UN missions being women. This has left some wondering what, if any, systemic barriers may be holding some women back from “being all they can be”? 

Lucky for us, as part of its Elsie Initiative support, Canada commissioned an independent research project to answer just that question once and for all. The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) based out of Switzerland researched what, if any, UN deployment barriers are still being encountered by uniformed women. DCAF identified 14 barriers to the successful deployment and full integration of uniformed women on UN missions. These barriers were organized into six categories: (1) equal access to opportunities, (2) deployment criteria, (3) the working environment, (4) family constraints,
(5) equal treatment during deployment, and (6) career-advancement opportunities. You can download and/or read
the DCAF report at https://www.dcaf.

To give an example of the barriers, one was “lack of adequate family-friendly policies”. In many countries there were few national mechanisms offered for child support options should a parent deploy especially for the longer UN tours. DCAF recommendations include consideration of more family UN duty stations and institutional encouragement for men to take parental leave and receive child/elder support considerations where needed in order to normalize this accommodation for all parents.

Another barrier will be no surprise to readers; “sexual and gender-based harassment”. One of the many DCAF recommendations being to focus on leadership’s roles in addressing workplace culture. When workplace harassment is left unchecked by leadership, the resulting permissive environment is known to promote, not only more widespread harassment but, the occurrence of more serious events such as sexual assault and sexual coercion to also occur. 

Another barrier that you might not have thought of is “lack of appropriate medical care”. There have been recommendations made to include at least one female physician and one obstetric and gynaecological specialist on all UN mission medical teams.

The DCAF report names barriers women are encountering from around the globe. Every UN mission participating county is however unique, so have been encouraged to consider completing its own national baseline barrier assessment study as well. Canada is leading by example on this front and has contracted DCAF to just that. So, stay tuned for that upcoming DCAF report on what, if any, deployment barriers are still being experienced by Canadian military and policing women. When we know better, we can do better. 

P.S. If you don’t know all about the amazing Canadian icon Elsie MacGill, after whom the Elsie Initiative is named, please Wikipedia her and/or read about her in one of the many books available on this inspiring Canadian trailblazer!

Operation Windsor (4/5 July 1944)


(Volume 26 Issue 6)

By Vincent J. Curtis

In the pursuit to Mons, the Canadian Corps employed an embryonic form of blitzkrieg. Infantry and tanks, supported by artillery, would advance in the morning. Overhead, allied aircraft would bomb and strafe exposed German positions in the rear. The advance would go for 7,000 yards and then stall, having moved beyond range of supporting artillery and being well within range of German guns.

The Germans learned from defeat, but had the Canadian commanders of World War II upped their game? It seems not. Hans von Luck, in his book Panzer Commander, described the British tactical method in Operation Goodwood (18/19 July 1944): “As almost always with the British, they carried out their tank attacks unaccompanied by infantry, as a result, they were unable to eliminate at once any little anti-tank nests that were lying well camouflaged in woodland or behind hedges. The main attack broke down under our defensive fire.”

Let’s return to our hero of last month, Lieutenant William F. McCormick, 1st Hussars. In an article published in the Waterloo Region Record on June 8, 2011, McCormick recounted the events of June 11, 1944. “Ordered into action, McCormick arrives to a terrible scene: a field of Sherman tanks burning quietly with no enemy in sight…An order crackles over the radio: Advance. The order is repeated, Advance. Then a new request, “Who will volunteer to advance?” McCormick orders his tanks onto the battlefield…McCormick spies enemy soldiers sitting calmly by their trenches. They look like they’re watching a sports event… He opens fire on them and advances into the wheat field. Wham! The tank to the left of him is hit…Wham! A shell explodes into the tank on his right. McCormick thinks the fire is coming from his right flank. Before he can find a target, a shell explodes into his tank…[The 12th SS] destroyed 37 tanks and damaged 13 others.” No infantry screen for the tanks there, either. New methods were needed in a hurry.

Operation Windsor was conducted to capture Carpiquet village and airfield, both D-Day objectives that McCormick himself had in his grasp. Carpiquet stood between the Canadian 3rd Division and Caen. Major General Rod Keller turned the planning over to Brigadier K.G. Blackader commander of the 8th Canadian infantry brigade (Queens’ Own Rifles, Chaudière, North Shores). The 8th would be reinforced with an attached battalion (the Royal Winnipeg Rifles) and the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade. (Fort Garry Horse, Sherbrooke Fusiliers, Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa, elements of 79th Armoured Div).

The plan was for a set-piece battle. The infantry would advance behind a creeping barrage, supported by tanks on both flanks. In the air, two squadrons of Hawker Typhoons would provide tactical air support.

Proceeding north to south: a diversionary attack by the Sherbrooke Fusiliers was made against Francqueville. The main attack against Carpiquet village was made by the North Shores and Chaudière. The Queen’s Own were to pass through and take the airport control buildings. The RWR supported by Fort Garry Horse would seize the airfield hangers south of the village. The approach by the RWR did not go well. Infantry were subjected to unsuppressed German mortar fire as they advanced across open ground towards the airfield and took fire also from the south bank of the Odon River. Late in the day, the depleted RWR reached the airfield hangers but were unable to dislodge the German defenders. The Fort Garry Horse encountered a battlegroup of Panther tanks and were “overwhelmed.” The RWR were ordered to withdraw under cover of darkness, leaving the airfield in German hands.

Next day, the Germans made three counter-attacks against Carpiquet village, and were repulsed with heavy losses.

Two more battalions behind the RWR would have taken the airfield. But it was clear that new combined arms methods were needed, and new methods for the timely suppression of enemy defensive fires had to be learned.

Going Out With a Bang

(Volume 26 Issue 6)

By Jim Scott

There are so many ‘third rails’ in politics that it has become contentious to even mention a topic lest a self-appointed do-gooder paint your forehead with a target and condemn you for even daring to think on a topic for which you are, (to them), clearly unsuitable. 

So, I’ll play it safe and just ruminate on immigration for a bit.

What? I’m not qualified? My skin colour, language or place of birth mark me out as a troublemaker whose opinion, a priori is tainted by just being me?

Apparently, there are only two ways to get along in this world and that is to have no opinion or hold the One True Opinion approved by the select group who can scream the loudest at rallies. Fair enough, they’re paid well to be there and hold up pre-printed signs so I guess they’ve earned the right to dictate.

Or perhaps, we should see this crap for what it is and admit that expressing an opinion is what we’re all entitled to do. One hundred thousand dead Canadians in a dozen countries attest to that.

Listen, lots of opinions are stupid. People are bags of chemicals acted upon over time by hundreds of influences good and bad. If you think your chemical soup is better informed than mine, you could be right. That’s your opinion, and so be it.

As for topics about which people might have an opinion, there are not many where you can put all your facts in a basket, arrive at a conclusion, and then move on. Your opinions will always bite you in the ass. Your facts will often be out of date or incorrect/incomplete in a different context, and your conclusions, even if eloquently and completely expressed, will likely bounce off the next person you talk to.

That’s in the nature of education, debate, discussion, learning and maturing. It used to be a hallmark of civilisation to have an open mind, but it seems we’re entering, (re-entering) a medieval period where your open mind is seen as a sign that you don’t quite “get it”. There is a practiced technique of public persuasion that uses noise, humiliation and other discomforts to make sure fellow citizens hold no obvious opinions or the One True one. Since the average person is quite willing to be polite and go along to avoid confrontation, the loud, brash, organised, motivated ‘advocates’ hold more sway with weak-kneed politicians and media types than the majority. With no-one providing counter-arguments or nuance, the relentless press of the advocate’s position entrenches itself in public policy.

Am I suggesting there is no redeemable benefit that can come of this technique? Mais non!  Such an opinion would be absurd surely! I suppose we wouldn’t have a 40-hour work week, paid maternity leave, or old age pensions unless advocates somewhere made it clear to the powers-that-be that discomfort was coming for them in the form of mass demonstrations if they did not share the wealth. Universal suffrage required years of busted heads and jail time so you and I could vote.

But there are extremists in every extremist group that insist that victory requires yet more pushing, more destruction of property, more discomfort. Ironically, they desire the revolution come to a halt when they have what they want. Revolutionaries are notorious for viciously cracking down on other revolutionaries who won’t accept the opinion held by the ones who have achieved power. If their heads weren’t in baskets, the reactionary regime would say; ‘I told you so!’

But I started on immigration and there I will bravely end: as the grandson of immigrants I pronounce it good! Well, sometimes, if well run. Our country can use all the talent it can get, even if the poorer countries from whence we draw it are worse off. Uh, that doesn’t sound intrinsically good. Maybe good-ish? That’s my opinion and I’ll stick to it. For now.

Let's Talk About Women In The Military


By Military Women

You asked: What is the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and why is it important to Canadian military women?  

We answered: UN studies demonstrated that state conflict resolution and peace processes are more effective and long-lasting when diverse voices are invited to sit at the table, especially women’s voices. Studies also showed that the design and delivery of foreign aid is more effective when the needs of diverse groups, particularly women, are specifically considered. Directly impacted women are often the best sources to identify their own needs and potential vulnerabilities in conflict or humanitarian situations.  

To act on these findings, the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security was passed in 2000. It was the first resolution to acknowledge and address the disproportionately negative effects of armed conflict on women and girls. Canada was a signatory to it, and the eight subsequent resolutions that together are referred to as the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. It calls on the international community to promote: 

• women’s meaningful participation in all conflict-prevention and conflict

• resolution mechanisms and mainstreamed gendered perspective into all peace and security activities and strategies, including peace operations, stabilization missions, and counter-terrorism;

• human rights and gender equality of women and girls including protection from sexual and gender-based violence and exploitation, and preservation of their sexual rights and access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services; and 

• more deployed women in uniform (military and policing). 

I hear you say: “I understand a bit more about what WPS is, but what does this all have to do with Canada specifically?” 

Canada committed itself to an ambitious 2017-2022 National Action Plan or “C-NAP”. Each impacted department has its own implementation plan on to best support the C-NAP. Implementation partners (IPs) continue to grow in numbers but Global Affairs Canada is the lead along with DND/CAF, RCMP, Public Safety, Immigration, Justice, and Women and Gender Equality, (WAGE was formerly Status of Women, renamed after becoming a government department in December 2018). Progress reports are made by the IPs twice a year to civil society representatives. Many of the representatives coming from the Women Peace and Security Network – Canada, a non-profit collaboration of various non-governmental organizations and individuals all committed to the promoting and monitoring of the WPS agenda. 

Let’s look specifically at the DND/CAF implementation plan and why its important to all Canadian military women as well as women abroad. Its one of the UN’s WPS priorities to increase the number of women in all security roles including in the military. In alignment with this priority, the CDS has committed to increasing the number of women in CAF to 25% within the next 10 years, which hopefully will result in more women trained and available for UN deployments.   

Here’s where the rubber meets the road for military women. CAF has fully supported the WPS agenda and integrated gendered perspectives on operations. CAF strives for equitable care and support of civilian impacted women when on operations outside of Canada. However, there is a growing realization that leading by example for WPS has to be inclusive of the “domestic” agenda; how CAF is supporting its own women in uniform. As discussed in last months article, operational effectiveness requires all soldiers, women or men, to feel respected and included and have any special support needs considered. Although it may be named Women, Peace and Security – its goals and aspirations can’t be achieved without the full support of everyone, men and women, both at home and when abroad.     

To learn more search “UNSCR 1325”, “Women, Peace and Security”, “Canada’s National Action Plan” or check out WPSN-Canada.org

Andrew In Wonderland

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(Volume 26 Issue 5)

By Michael Nickerson

Gather round, people. For today’s lesson I’d like you to consider two specimens. On the right here we have Andrew Scheer’s brain. Seems normal enough, don’t you think? What you might expect from a low-key, average sort of mind. Nothing fancy. Some might even call it healthy. 

Now let’s compare that with what we have here, which is Andrew Scheer’s brain on drugs. It’s a disturbing sight to be sure. We’re not exactly certain what drugs this brain has been exposed to, but it’s quite clear that whatever it was, it’s caused severe damage to the cognitive areas outlined here and here. Kind of like a side of deep-fried Spam if truth be told.

So why are we making this comparison today? Well as fate would have it, Andrew Scheer is not just the leader of the Canada’s federal Conservative party, but thanks to circumstances few would have predicted even a year ago, Mr. Scheer has an excellent chance of becoming Canada’s next prime minister. I think you will all agree that having unimpaired, if not overly spectacular, cognitive abilities  is generally considered a fine and reassuring quality when considering the office of prime minister.

As the saying goes you should never judge a book by its cover. Well, nor should you ever judge a brain by how hot and greasy it might appear. No, we in the science community depend on actions and statements from which to draw our objective conclusions. And objectively we’ve concluded that the future prime minister was on at least one occasion, high. Very high.

Consider if you will his recent speech in Montreal on foreign and defence policy. The usual Conservative staples were all there, from the promise of new jet fighters and a rejuvenated submarine fleet, to joining the US ballistic missile defence program and generally tying our can to Donald Trump’s tail. Questionable to be sure, and also unlikely to ever happen, but what one might expect from our good friends on the right. 

And then Andrew Scheer became stoned. There’s simply no scientific doubt. Ponder this chemically compromised statement: “I’m very committed to depoliticizing the entire procurement process,” Scheer opined, which is of course akin to committing to dehumidifying the oceans, or decalcifying your fibula, even dealcoholizing a mug of beer! You can’t have one without the other, people.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but in a functioning democracy a process that involves the spending of billions of dollars will inherently be political. Parties represent their members’ interests, MPs their constituents’ interests, and they will debate and defend those as they should. It is time consuming, at times wasteful, and an almost always infuriating process. 

This is why we have become so alarmed at Mr. Scheer’s recent comments, for he seemed to be suggesting not just the impossible, but the nonsensical. In a clearly pharmaceutically induced trip to Wonderland, Andrew Scheer, by his own admission, sincerely believes that all the parties can come together, put aside their interests and mandates, hold hands, and sign off on billions of dollars no matter how that may sit with those who elected them. Now everybody raise a hand if they think this is a good idea? What, are you on drugs too?

Not only is it not a good idea, it goes against everything a democracy should be. When things are important you hash them out, argue and fight for those you represent. Anything else is not only wildly idealistic, but misses the whole point of the process in the first place. What’s required then is a leader and a government that understands this, accepts it, and works to minimize its excesses and maximize the benefits of consensus in a relatively timely manner. 

Clearly Andrew Sheer does not understand this, which is why we are here today. Reach out to your MPs, to friends and families and plead with Mr. Scheer to just say no. Say no to drugs, Andrew. We need a clear head at the helm of this great nation, not another trip down the rabbit hole. Fried Spam just won’t cut it.

Let’s Sow Some Dissent!

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(Volume 26 Issue 6)

By Michael Nickerson

Great news! I found my dream car. It’s long, low, red, and ends in “ghini.” However there is a small problem. You see, it’s a tad expensive; a couple of million to be precise. So I hope you will forgive this article, but I need to make a little extra pocket change, and what a better way to do that than sow some dissent in the military! Pays big bucks to be a disruptive jerk don’tcha know.

Funny thing is, I didn’t really know my true earning potential until recently. I was just happy to submit my ideas and hit the pub on the proceeds. Ah, but now I see the light, and it’s all thanks to Canadian Army Maj. John McEwen. Perhaps you heard of him? He is an Info Ops Practitioner (whatever that is) and self-proclaimed social media guru who recently took both Scott Taylor and David Pugliese to task for “sowing dissent” with their “garbage” in such inconsequential publications as the Halifax Chronicle Herald and the Ottawa Citizen, to say nothing of this very magazine. Major McEwen’s gripping critique can be found on LinkedIn, that busy hub for rebuttal favoured by social media experts everywhere.  

Now no one likes to be criticized, but the old theory was that without dissenting opinions, there wouldn’t be much change to the things we all really would like to see improved. Galileo pointed out that the earth isn’t the centre of all things, which helps to know when you want to go to the moon, if nothing else, and Newton made it clear that falling apples weren’t just a nasty trick by God. All very useful that, but it won’t buy you a Lamborghini.

And that’s where Maj. John McEwen opened my eyes. As he so adroitly pointed out, Scott and David weren’t doing what they do because they see problems and injustices to be corrected. Nope, they were doing it for money! Huge bags of cash! They’ve been running all over Ottawa in their fancy cars as if they’ve owned the place for years; living high and living large. I was just never able to put two and two together until now.

So when I say that it’s a national tragedy that some 5000 Canadian veterans are homeless in this country, I’m not jumping on the current media bandwagon concerning the issue, I’m just trying to earn enough to reserve a seat so I can bid on my 1971 Miura and drive with the big boys in journalism. The fact that Diane Claveau, a graduate of the Royal Military College in Saint-Jean, Quebec and an eight-year veteran is now living out of a van is simply information I can use to make money, not make a change. So let’s sow some dissent. Cha-Ching!

Sadly I haven’t earned enough yet, so let’s keep going. Did you know that it was recently reported that after four years, Operation Honour was and is essentially a bust? Sexual assault and misconduct has not changed one bit during the entire tenure of Chief of Defence Staff General Jonathan Vance, and despite all the well-meaning attempts by many to change military culture the whole thing’s a complete failure. 

I obviously don’t type those words out of some sense of concern for military personnel who have been assaulted, or worry that a toxic work environment is leading many to give up a career they dreamed of. I certainly wouldn’t be typing such silliness to embarrass senior brass so they wake up and deal with a problem that sullies the good name of the majority of soldiers in this country.  

No sir, I do it for the big payday. I couldn’t care less about the men and women in uniform in this country, our veterans, or their families. I’ve always been in it for the money. It’s just that until recently I didn’t understand how lucrative it could be. Thank you, Maj. McEwen…let’s sow some dissent indeed!

A Day Of Missed Opportunities


(Volume 26 Issue 5)

By Vincent J. Curtis

In June we celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of D-Day, regarded as the beginning of the end of the Nazi regime. The greatest success that day, in terms of ground gained and objectives met, was by the Canadians coming off Juno beach.

Nevertheless, a close study of the movement off Juno leaves one with the impression of opportunities lost on account of failures of leadership.

The senior Canadian leadership of World War I were militia officers, civilian professional men, who had not commanded anything above a battalion before the war.  They reached Corps and Division command on account of proven worth. They had no preconceptions about how war should be fought. They learned from Julian Byng the value of battle studies, and of applying the lessons learned (and adding new wrinkles of their own like sound-ranging) to the next battle. That’s why Vimy Ridge was such an astonishing success.

Prior to D-Day, the allies had landed in Sicily, Italy, and Anzio. The Sicily invasion went well in part because the commander of the American forces, the audacious LGen George S. Patton, Jr., exploded off the beaches. He wanted to beat Montgomery to Messina, and he wasn’t going to do it “protecting Monty’s left flank” through the central mountains of Sicily. Patton immediately sent a “reconnaissance in force” in the direction of Palermo, creating space and confusion, and got there practically unopposed.

The failure was at Anzio. The landings caught the Germans completely by surprise. The road lay open to Rome and to the complete dislocation of the German Winter Line – had the landing force moved off the beaches. But no, MGen John Lucas had to establish and consolidate first, and the resulting delay gave Kesselring time to react. He blocked movement off the beaches for four months.

Such were the lessons which ought to have been known. The French military theorist Ardant du Picq taught that a small force cannot afford to get involved in a melee because in a melee its organization, the real strength of the force, is lost.

In practical terms, this means that a superior attacking force can afford to by-pass pockets of resistance because doing so involves the defence in a melee. None of the lessons; of the importance of gaining space rapidly, of the value of by-passing small pockets of resistance, of closest infantry-tank coordination were applied by the Canadian commanders on D-Day.

The objective in the Commonwealth sector on D-Day was the capture of Caen. The Canadian landings began at 08:00 hours, but not until 14:30 was the beach deemed secure and movement inland ordered by Major General Rod Keller, Commander of the Canadian 3rd Division. The advance would not last long nor go far.

A troop of Sherman tanks, No. 2 Troop, C Squadron, 1st Hussars, led by Lieutenant William F. McCormick, nevertheless did their job. They found an unopposed route from Camilly on Phase Line Elm all the way to the objective: Phase Line Oak, the Caen-Bayeux rail line and the Carpiquet airfield. Despite frantic signalling, McCormick was not reinforced. Where was his Squadron Commander? His Regiment Commander? Why wasn’t anyone wondering where their lost Troop was? And why were the Canadians digging in back at Phase Line Elm with four hours of daylight remaining and an open road ahead?

They were digging on order from British Lieutenant General Miles Dempsey because the British 3rd Division on Sword was being attacked in flank by elements of the German 21st Panzer Division. Three divisions halted because one of them was counterattacked. The Canadian 9th Brigade halted three miles from Caen, the farthest inland of any allied force.  The rest of the day was wasted. In the night the Germans moved in the 12th SS Panzer Division (Hitlerjugend) and then the Panzer Lehr Division. Caen wasn’t captured until a month later.

Many life-saving opportunities created by surprise that day went unexploited from a lack of Patton-esque audacity on the part of senior Canadian leadership.

Imaginary Hobgoblins


Volume 26 Issue 5

By Jim Scott

With the 2019 pre-election, election campaign already in full throat, Canada’s illustrious political parties are constantly jockeying to pounce on every tongue-trip that opposing leaders may or may not be guilty of. Since Mr. Trudeau isn’t likely to repeat his Ravi Shankar impersonation any time soon, Conservatives are beating the policy bushes to highlight Liberal failings on the economy, environment, immigration and justice. The Trudeau Liberals ran on a left-wing, ‘spend it like ya got it’ platform, and in office made that look like roadmap for fiscal restraint, so the pickings have been easy. Bags of taxpayer money for infrastructure and defence were hung out on the side of the tracks, but the gravy train never picked them up. Seems it’s easy to announce billions for this or that but actual governing is hard!

As four years of furious virtue-signalling turn into two months of attracting voters, Liberals are not-so-subtly reversing themselves on what they once held dear. They have decided individuals skipping border entry points may not be refugees after all. Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced intentions to de-regulate our red-tape choked economy, and the carbon tax supposed to drive our behaviour toward environmental utopia, will now be another government program to take from half the ‘middle class’ and give to the other half.

Even so, leopards can only deny their spots for so long. Keen-eyed Liberal operatives finally cornered Conservative leader Andrew Scheer meeting with a bunch of nefarious representatives of marginalised, social pariahs. Environment Minister Catherine McKenna was first out of the Twitter blocks with fiery condemnation. Andrew Scheer, horror of horrors, met with…

Oil industry executives!

Now, fans of petroleum, (you know who you are!), may appreciate that a Prime Minister-in-waiting might not see anything wrong in meeting with an industry group that generates $100’s of billions and 100,000’s of thousands of jobs for the Canadian economy. But Liberal conspiracists want us to believe that the meeting,
(“Behind closed doors!” Went on for hours!”), was all about a secretive cabal plotting to make Canadians heat their homes and drive their cars with that foul-smelling liquid that oozes out of the very ground we walk on. Vote Conservative and you’ll never get that $5,000 (taxpayer) subsidy
for that new Tesla you’ve had your eye on!

As H.L. Mencken said, the art of practical politics is to set up hobgoblins and promise to protect frightened voters from harm. In aid of this Liberals have perfected the art of straddling every fence to appear to be all things to all people. How soon we forget that this Liberal government bought the Trans Mountain pipeline from Kinder Morgan for $5.2 billion, (borrowed from Export Development Canada), to keep that option open for the oil industry. The Parliamentary Budget Office reports that the government collects revenues from oil flowing through the existing infrastructure ($33M minus $17M operating expenses); just another way Minister McKenna’s tweets are financed by “dirty oil”!

Meanwhile, wending its way through the Senate is Bill C-69, seen by the oil industry as a final straw to kill their golden goose. With regulatory uncertainty and new roadblocks for actual infrastructure investment, C-69 should make sure only Venezuela and Saudi Arabia can ever sell oil in Canada. For a government trumpeting a one-month gain in jobs, (supposedly 107,000 in April although StatsCan is only “certain” of 77,000 or so), it is odd they are tone deaf to the folks who do most to create those numbers they like to claim.

All our taxes, tariffs, regressive policies and interference are presented as a for-our-own-good kind of thing, (as if we couldn’t run our own affairs if allowed to), and I don’t expect over-reaching government to be logical, but is it too much to ask for our elected servants to just stick with one program? If you want to finance a government that sticks its nose into everything, try being friendlier to your Golden Geese!

Let's Talk About Women In The Military

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(Volume 26-2)

By Military Women

Welcome to a new guest column. With over 15% of the Canadian Armed Forces and 10% of all Veterans Affairs Canada clients now female, we approached Scott Taylor for space to add more of an active female voice to the magazine, and surprise! he said… “Yes”!

Having just celebrated its 30th year in print, Esprit de Corps started about the same time the Canadian Armed Forces started gender integration activities in earnest; moving from most occupations being closed to women in 1989, to having women in all occupations today. Throughout this interesting and challenging journey for both men and women, there wasn’t a regularly featured female military perspective. Who knew that all we had to do was ask!

So here are the rules of engagement. This is an opinion column. We will respond to questions as factually as possible but, in the end, all opinions expressed here are ours. You, dear readers, are free to agree or disagree with our opinions, although hopefully not with the facts. We look forward to hearing from you. In fact, we’re hoping this column will be a conversation starter – with us, with your family and friends, with colleagues – about questions on women in the military that come up even 30 years on. 

Let’s talk about pregnancy, maternity leave (and parental/paternity leave) and the impact on operations. Let’s talk about female recruitment and retention specific issues. Let’s look at the buzzwords of the day, like diversity, intersectionality, gender equality and gender equity, and talk about their relevance (if any) to today’s military. 

What are the gender-related questions you have, but are afraid to ask in public? Some we’ve heard range from “Why do we still need Employment Equity?” to “How will we know when Op Honour has been successful?” We’ll do our best to answer them. We’ve been hearing these types of questions and concerns for a while now, sometimes as hallway muttering, so let’s have these conversations, even if they may be somewhat sensitive.

Well, it’s March and there is a “women’s history month” theme to this edition of Esprit de Corps, so let’s start the first “Let’s Talk “with a question we got from a friend. We look forward to your questions.

You asked: 

March 8th is International Women’s Day. Seriously. Why do we celebrate it? Aren’t women already equal? And speaking about equality – when’s “International Men’s Day”? 

We answer: 

Excellent questions. 

International Men’s Day is a real thing! It started in 1992 and is celebrated on November 19th in over 80 countries, including Canada (you didn’t know that did you, admit it). The day focuses on men’s health, improving gender relations, gender equality and promoting male role models. The first Canadian celebrations were in Vancouver in 2009, but it has been spreading across Canada since then. International Men’s Day is part of “Movember” – a worldwide moustache growing charity event held every November to raise funds and awareness for men’s health. The Aussies have put together a great website of information at InternationalMensDay.com. Check it

International Women’s Day is on March 8th. We actually have Soviet Russia to thank for these celebrations. On March 8, 1917, women gained suffrage in Russia and celebrations were held annually thereafter. This Russian holiday was made an international holiday by the United Nations in 1975. The day is set aside not only to acknowledge women’s achievements but to focus on elimination of all discrimination against women including barriers to women’s full and equal participation in society. Some people encourage wearing of clothing in the colour purple for this day. See InternationalWomenDay.com as one source for more

The CAF has achieved so much in the last 30 years, with full integration and equal pay. Yet, there are still positions and ranks that women have not been appointed to. And there are still those who will greet the next breakthrough with the muttered comment, “Well, she only got that job/promotion because she is a woman.” That’s an example of why International Women’s Day is still important to the CAF. And did you know that it can still cost a woman more to be in the CAF than it does a man? We kid you not. It costs a woman more to dry clean a uniform, to get a haircut, and even to shower, shampoo and use antiperspirant, just to name a few items on the “pink tax slip” – but we can talk more about that in a future column.

Lost In The Shuffle

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(Volume 26 Issue 2)

By Michael Nickerson

Justin Trudeau is having a bad month. He might end up having a bad year when all is said and done, but let us focus on his current woes. The smell of scandal, the sniff of hubris, and the stench of incompetence in the air has Team Justin™ starting to crack at the seams. The promises and commitments of only a few years ago now seem little more than lies and clichés. And the infighting has only just begun; good Canadian political theatre at its finest.

The New Year started with Scott Brison resigning as head of the Treasury Board, ostensibly to spend more time with his family. Whether accusations of meddling with the navy supply ship procurement on behalf of Irving Shipbuilding were a factor in his sudden exit is open to speculation, but with the trial of Vice Admiral Mark Norman coming this summer and Brison on the witness list, things are sure to get much more interesting before election time.

Regardless, his departure triggered a bit of a cabinet shuffle on a cold day in January. There were smiles and hugs all around as ministers got promoted, took on new portfolios, and generally made nice with their boss for being part of federal cabinet. Well, one assumes that was the idea anyway, but Jody Wilson-Raybould had other ideas.

Moved from the Justice portfolio to Veterans Affairs, Wilson-Raybould looked about as enthusiastic as an entrant in a live worm-eating contest. Despite the odd platitude about the importance of the ministry, it was clear the former attorney general was not pleased. 

 As we all now know, she didn’t even last a month before resigning under even more scandal-laden clouds than Brison, namely the potential prosecution of SNC-Lavalin and who might have pressured who to go easy on the ethics challenged engineering giant. And just about everyone, from opposition MPs to pundits, to disheartened and disenfranchised First Nations, have stepped up to the whipping post to take turns publicly flailing Trudeau for broken promises and abuse of trust. 

Which is hard to argue really so full speed ahead on that score. What should be very troubling to Canadian veterans, and current members of our armed forces who will inevitably join them, is the almost complete lack of outrage concerning the impact this will have on those who have risked their lives for this country. The revolving door of ministers at Veterans
Affairs, and the almost unanimous conclusion that being appointed to deal with the issues facing veterans is akin to being sent to a penalty box was made starkly clear by the public debate. The whole issue was lost in the shuffle, a footnote at best.

In short, my dear veterans, very few people actually care about you. Sure, they’ll say thanks once a year and name a highway after you, but let’s take stock of the reality. While successive governments have touted their commitment to Canadian veterans, they’ve spent most of their time fighting a return to full lifetime pensions, dragging veterans through the court system, and ignoring obvious problems with transition to private life identified decades ago. Far too many cases of homelessness and suicide continue to this day as a result. 

Much of this has to do with counting pennies and votes, doing the math, and prioritizing accordingly. And that sort of calculus makes it very clear Canadians don’t have the time or inclination to care about their veterans. It’s why being minister of Veterans Affairs is viewed as being either a stepping stone or an act of torture depending which direction on the ladder you’re heading. It’s why the plight of the veterans Jody Wilson-Raybould was supposed to serve was merely background noise to the whole fiasco that is Team Justin™.

I dare say it’s time to stop trusting your government, dear veteran, and start engaging your neighbours, friends, and communities; to raise awareness, to protest and make your voice heard amongst average Canadians instead of your tone-deaf MPs. That, or remain an afterthought.

A Gentleman's 'C'


(Volume 26-2)

By Vincent J. Curtis

Canada’s glacial fighter jet replacement project made a small advance over the last year. The problem is the advance is down the slope of Mount Mediocrity.

The French Dassault Rafale, withdrew from competition because of the requirement for interoperability with the USAF in the air defence of North America; and the matter of economic benefit to Canada. The possible third factor is that the Rafale is conceived more as a deep penetration fighter-bomber than an air superiority fighter.

There remains the following entrants: the Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet Block III, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Eurofighter Typhoon, and Sweden’s Gripen E model. None are particularly inspiring.

The Boeing Super Hornet is probably the most sensible entrant of the group. With the United States Navy renewing its commitment to the Super-Hornet program, the RCAF wouldn’t be getting an orphan. Interoperability with the USAF is assured. Economic advantages to Canada will be met with increased work at Boeing’s facility in Western Canada. Finally, the transition from the Hornet to the Super Hornet should be the smoothest of all the entrants. The major impediment to acquiring it is the Liberal government’s spat with Boeing. Boeing accused Liberal favorite Bombardier of receiving unfair subsidies (gasp!), and blocked Bombardier exports to the US. In response, the Liberals cancelled a purchase of 18 Super Hornets that would have filled an RCAF capability gap. Instead, the government decided to acquire aging CF-18s from Crown Assets Disposal – Australia Division.

Which brings us to the Eurofighter Typhoon. A major player in the Eurofighter project is Boeing rival Airbus, who stepped in to save Bombardier from Boeing’s trade action. Airbus partnered with Bombardier to build the C-series passenger aircraft at Airbus’s Alabama facility, by-passing U.S. import rules. Economic benefit to Canada in a Eurofighter acquisition would be for Bombardier to assemble the aircraft from parts shipped from Europe. The problem with this aircraft is two-fold: it is extremely expensive, and it’s crippled by a part shortage. The German Luftwaffe has exactly four of 128 Typhoons flyable because it can’t replace a defensive electronics pod. Without the pod, the aircraft can’t carry out operational missions. Unlike America’s, the European supply chain is lacking in depth.

The Saab Gripen E model excites a lot of people, being Volvo’s take on Lockheed-Martin’s F-16. The problems are all those associated with a small, specialized supplier. The aircraft was designed to meet Sweden’s needs, and its future development will depend upon Sweden’s needs. The economic benefits to Canada remain an open question.

That leaves the F-35, which has been written about extensively in this space. The economic benefits to Canada are already settled if Canada purchases it. Its technical benefits are Gen 5 stealth and whiz-bang video-game technology. The problems are that it is expensive to buy and maintain. Its technology is unproven in actual combat. Finally, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau swore a blood-oath in 2015 not to buy the F-35 because the Harper Conservatives wanted it.

Three other aircraft not on the list would lift the competition out of mediocrity. The first is Lockheed-Martin’s F-16 V, which would be acquired in two variants: a clean interceptor and air-superiority dogfighter; and a fighter-bomber, for when Canada wants to bomb another third-world hell hole with impunity. The F-16 is inexpensive and cheap to maintain, which means lots of flying time for pilots.

Second, is the brand new F-15X. The USAF believes the Gen 4 F-15 will be front-line relevant beyond the 2050s.

Finally, as proposed here, the Mark 3 Avro Arrow, Canada’s aircraft for Canada’s needs. Russia recently flew two Tu-160 bombers to Venezuela. Only the big Arrow would have had the legs to intercept them over the Atlantic.

However, no career is threatened by opting for the conventional.