The Myth of Meritocracy — espritdecorps

The Myth of Meritocracy

By Mike Nickerson

Did you ever hear the story of the Little Soldier Who Could? Oh come on, you must have! Why as a young lad my father would put me on his knee, light his pipe like all wise fathers used to do, and tell of a mythical world where people only succeeded because of what they did and how well they did it. Merit my boy, merit! That little soldier would go to the nearest recruiting office and begin his magical journey where merit is recognized and ambition rewarded. He’d rise through the ranks, an inspiration to all, finally making it to the top. On merit and nothing but. Quite a tale, don’t cha think?

It’s much like the story of how Santa Claus delivers presents under the Christmas tree each year because all the kiddies have been so darn nice. After a while you come to learn there’s more complexity to the story. In Santa’s case it was actually stressed-out parents spending all week searching for toys and maxing out their credit cards for kids who are definitely not on anyone’s nice list, but who will nonetheless cry bloody-blue murder if they don’t get their G.I. Joe with the Kung Fu grip. Not based on any kind of merit, but through sheer annoyance. Inspiring it isn’t, but reality doesn’t tend to be.

So while some of us grew up and got on with the messy complexities of life, there are others who won’t let go of those idealistic dreams of yore. Why, those tales really can become true if only we could return to simpler times; times where merit mattered, where affirmative action and feminism wasn’t so darn annoyingly there; where DEI (that’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion to you laypeople) had never been conceived. My God, a time where people weren’t so damn awake!

But hey, don’t take it from me; take it instead from a long serving, accomplished veteran, wise in the ways of the world. In this case I speak of Maj. (ret'd) Barbara Krasij-Maisonneuve, who last fall waxed eloquent in an interview with The National Post about how “the whole DEI, radical progressive movement is forced on [the military].” And along with a female hiring quota “we added all of the DEI, tiny little minority special interest groups to that quota. And now we spend money making a third bathroom or putting sanitary napkins in the men’s room and stuff, but we’re still buying our own helmets.” Yes, you read that right: sanitary napkins in the men’s room are what stand between our soldiers and their heads getting blown off. Damn that DEI!

Now if the good Major’s last name seems familiar it might be because she is married to one Lt.-Gen. (ret’d) Michel Maisonneuve, who a couple of years ago caused a stir when he railed in a speech while accepting that year’s Vimy Award on how in today’s world “taking personal responsibility for our own actions has disappeared from the landscape” with society “lost in these days of entitlement, Me First, not my problem and endless subsidies and handouts.” He also weaved in something about how the world will come to an end at the altar of climate change and such, but you get the picture.

And the Maisonneuves are certainly not alone in this. Donald Trump has ridden back into the White House on a sea of anti-woke, anti-DEI bile, and our soon-to-be prime minister, Pierre Poilievre, has vowed to change our military from a “woke” culture to a “warrior” one. Yes, all our problems will just melt away if we get back to basics; where we promote on merit, not quotas; to a time where we weren’t so sensitive to the feelings and aspirations of minorities; where we reward a person on merit, not demographic profile.

Well I have news for the Maisonneuves and anyone else under the impression that the military was once a meritocracy. It never was a meritocracy. For decades (nay centuries) it has rewarded overwhelmingly white men, and even more to the point, white privileged men. Any idiot with a bachelor’s degree in his pocket gets to be an officer and lead men into battle, not solely on merit, but on class, education and connections. The upper ranks are filled as much by politics than actual accomplishments.

The whole idea of DEI is to give capable people an equal chance, to level the playing field. Krasij-Maisonneuve all but says that our current CDS got the post because she’s a woman. Well, yeah! If things were left to the anti-woke brigade, she’d never have had the shot, no matter how eminently qualified she is.

All this culture war crap distracts from the real problems with our military, be it bureaucratic cock-ups, limited budgets, poor planning, or mundane things like lack of affordable housing, all of which has nothing to do with pronoun preference and the like. In these perilous times the last thing we need are distractions. But it is distraction the Trumps and Poilievres of the world will happily exploit if we let them.