The In-Person Event Returns!
For the first time since 2019, the Canada Army Run returned to the streets of Ottawa on Sunday November 6th. Following a COVID-19 enforced, two year shut down and a last minute re-scheduling (due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II) this year's event was understandably much smaller than previous Army Runs.
While the crowds may have been smaller, Army Run organizers did not spare all the usual pomp and ceremony. Prior to the start of the 5Km and 10Km events the Ceremonial Band teamed with the Army Wives Choir for the national anthem. Juno, the Army mascot was on hand to motivate runners. Speakers included Governor General Mary Simon, Chief of Defence Staff, general Wayne Eyre and Army Commander Lt Gen Joe Paul. Each race was started with the blast of a howitzer and every runner completing the course received a souvenir set of Army run dog tags.
The organizers were also blessed with an unseasonably beautiful day weather wise: Sun drenched skies and temperatures into the low 20's. Esprit de Corps magazine was once again proud to support this year's Army Run and we are glad to see that this great event has indeed weathered the pandemic. We are already looking forward to next year.
.Major Leslie Quinlan Army Run coordinator addresses the runners while Lt Gen Joe Paul (Army Commander) looks on
Governor General Mary Simon
General Wayne Eyre
Wounded warriors at start gate
The Army Wives choir sang the national anthem at start of race
Wounded warrior starting gate
Army Mascot Juno made some new friends
The cadet bands were a hit at the first cheering station
Some fans really did their part to inspire the runners
Publisher Scott Taylor crosses the 5km finish line
This year's Army Run finish line was at the National War Memorial
Top women in the 10Km event