Stéphanie Raymond, Veteran  Photo Credit: Stéphanie Raymond

Stéphanie Raymond, Veteran

Photo Credit: Stéphanie Raymond

Esprit de Corps Magazine January 2022 // Volume 28 Issue 12

Let's Talk About Women in the Military – Column 34


By Military Woman


How would you summarize 2021?


Shocking? Painful? Eye-opening? Annus horribilis? Let’s look back.


14thGen Jonathan Vance hands over command of the CAF to Adm Art McDonald

17th – Vance’s end-of-career exit interview with Mercedes Stephenson, Global News, airs


2nd – Stephenson publicly reports on two sexual misconduct allegations against Vance

9th – Parliament starts one of two committee studies into the allegations against Vance

24th – McDonald steps aside as CDS after a sexual misconduct allegation is made against him


5thLS (Retd) Marie-Claude “MC” Gagnon, founder of It’s Just 700 (IJ700), steps down after seven years of unsuccessfully advocating government to fund a peer support program for those impacted by military sexual trauma (MST)

11th Fifth Estate airs allegations that the military chain of command can and does interfere with military sexual misconduct investigations

17th   LCol Eleanor Taylor’s resignation from the military “in disgust” reported publicly

24th –  Operation Honour declared “culminated” and to be closed out

29th – VAdm Haydn Edmundson steps aside as Chief of Military Personnel (CMP) after a sexual misconduct allegation is made against him 


28th – MGen Peter Dawe  provided a registered sex offender character references

29th – Former Supreme Court Justice Louise Arbour asked to lead a sexual misconduct review


16th – Project Trauma Support medical director, and board chair, step down after acknowledging they knowingly selected a male registered sex offender (the same offender for whom Dawe had previously written character references for) to be a peer mentor for a female moral injury cohort

31st – Former Supreme Court Justice Morris Fish tables his military justice system report


2nd – Office of the Veterans Ombud reports that all veterans, regardless of the cause of their service-connected mental health conditions, should have equitable peer support program access 

14th – LGen Michael Rouleau resigns after socializing (a golf game) with Vance, who was still under investigation by military police (who report directly to LGen Rouleau)

22nd – IJ700 is initially replaced in function by It’s Not Just 700 (INJ700) prior to fully closing


2nd – US Independent Review Committee on Sexual Assault in the Military report released 

8th – Retired Canadian generals organize to bring Afghan interpreters to Canada quicker

15th – Vance charged with obstruction of justice – his trial is not expected until 2023


15th. – Kabul falls and Canada calls a federal election

18th – MGen Dany Fortin charged by Quebec prosecutors with sexual assault

25th – Canada’s last military flight out of Kabul, thousands of Afghans left (still) awaiting word on Canada’s approvals for their resettlement applications


11th – Nova Scotia’s Lionel Desmond’s Fatality Inquiry identifies unmet veteran care needs

20th – Federal election results in a repeat minority Liberal government


5th – Dawe removed from proposed new sexual misconduct related job after public outcry

13th – LGen Trevor Cadieu steps aside as proposed Canadian Army commander after a sexual misconduct allegation is made against him

15th – LGen Steven Whelan steps aside as CMP after a sexual misconduct allegation is made


10th – Former WO André Gagnon is sentenced by a civilian court to six months in prison for sexually assaulting MCpl (Retd) Stéphanie Raymond

24th – CAF/DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action officially closes with almost 19,000 claims submitted, over 40% of which are from men


7th – Edmundson, the CMP before Whelan, charged with sexual assault and indecent acts

Fortunately, there have also been some upsides to 2021.

In April, Lt (Retd) Christine Wood successfully led IJ700/INJ700 advocacy efforts to achieve Gagnon’s longstanding goal – dedicated military sexual trauma peer support program funding.

From July onwards, many Veterans have been organizing in support of Afghans in need. Well-earned shout-outs in particular for Veterans Transition Network, Aman Lara and the Ukrainian special operations folk. Bravo Zulu.  

Although it might seem logical to end this year in review with the federal government’s long awaited sexual misconduct apology on December 13th, we won’t.

Instead, our parting thoughts about 2021 will be to acknowledge MCpl (Retd) Stéphanie Raymond’s impact past and future.

It is Raymond’s 2011 military sexual assault case that pushed then CDS Gen Tom Lawson to order the Deschamps report, which led to Op Honour. Thanks in large part to her courage and perseverance over this last decade, many of us have cautious but genuine hope that 2022 will be better.


 Stéphanie, thank you for never giving up on your fight for justice.  Respect.