A Canadian Summer Day Photo Credit: Military Woman

A Canadian Summer Day

Photo Credit: Military Woman


Esprit de Corps Magazine August 2022 // Volume 29 Issue 7

Let's Talk About Women in the Military – Column 41


by Military Woman


How can we help improve fairness, inclusivity and resilience in the military related community while remaining financially prudent?   


That’s a great question, especially right now when the global pandemic has highlighted the ongoing existence of so many systemic inequities – both at work and at home. As a result, many Canadians are now reimagining how society could be more equitable and effective moving forward.

Because the pandemic has disrupted many previously unquestioned ways of how we did things, including at defence, we all have an opportunity to help Canada “build back better”. The “lazy hazy crazy days of summer “ (that hopefully everyone can have at least one or two of) can be a great source of creative thinking and  brainstorming on how things could be, versus how they are.  

Some summertime ponderings on how Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) could be reimagined.

Some musings about a reimagined Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

Some suggestions about reimagined roles of Canadians.


What are your summer daydreaming ideas of how government could best “build back” and achieve a more equitable military-related community for all?